Maps and Flyers

• Bush Hill Preserve

Story Trail at Bush Hill farm -- card with information about the story trail. We celebrated the grand opening May 1, 2021 and added more kiosks for pages in 2023.

Bush Hill farm map showing trails and landmarks on the 177.5-acre Bush Hill property, by Justin Pedneault and the Bush Hill farm committee.

Barn Roof fixed, flyer describing the roof replacement on the cider barn at the Bush Hill farm; report created in 2017 for SBM Charitable Foundation, which donated money for this project.

Bush Hill farm: proposed housing subdivision -- now open space, could have been a housing development!

Bush Hill farm: Steve Botti article and photo of cider-making, circa 1980.

Aerial view of Bush Hill farm area showing the farmland in relation to nearby open space lands. Two-page flyer created for our farm fundraising campaign.

Bush Hill 1980s-era farm news clippings with newspaper ads and illustrated stories about the Botti Farm, from local newspapers.

Bush Hill: Botti farm photos from the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s; thanks to Gerry Botti for lending the photos.

• Case Mountain
1948 Shenipsit Trail Map by L.M. Porter, revised in 1964.

• Cheney Railroad
Railroad Map a self-guiding walking tour of the Cheney Railroad with map and commentary.
Charter Oak Greenway Map. East Coast Greenway map & commentary highlighting optional trails along this 34-mile section, including a description of the Cheney rail trail.
Cheney Rail Trail on the CT Trail Finder website.

• Griswold Park on Hills Street, Manchester

Griswold Park Hills Street trail map with information on connection to Buckland Pond trail via Barnwood Road. Trail created December 2020. Map by Trust director Justin Pedneault.

• Mary Jane Williams Park Trail
MJ Williams Park Trail Map a self-guided walk on this East Hartford property.

• Marsh Pond Trail Map
Marsh Pond Trail Map a self-guided walk on this little gem.

• Path to Wellness Map -- Hospital donation
Path to Wellness Trail Map and More where to walk, and location of this 11.57-acre property.

• Pavan Nature Trail
Alba Pavan Nature Preserve Trail Map a self-guided walk on our property purchased in April 2020 with an Audubon grant.

• Purdy Nature Trail
Purdy Nature Park Trail Map a self-guided walk on this western Manchester property.

• Risley Reservoir
Risley Park map showing Risley hiking trails, town boundaries, topography, and location of parking areas.
Risley history pictures and history about the Land Trust's Risley Pond property.

• Salter's Pond
Salter's Pond trail map, parking lot at 123 Lydall Street, Manchester 060402 -- by Justin Pedneault.

• Stickney Hill
Stickney Hill history -- notes by historian Jon Roe.

Stickney Hill and the Rockville water system -- by historian Jon Roe, from his Tankerhoosen website.

Stickney family info -- excerpts from the memoir of Caroline Alathea Stickney Creevey, 1843-1920, who grew up in the area. She wrote several popular books on botany, as well as "A Daughter of the Puritans," her autobiography. Google books has the whole autobiography

Stickney Hill hiking trail map -- self-guiding trail map of the Trust's property in Rockville, CT.

Stickney Hill walk poster -- a poster publicizing hikes that the Land Trust leads occasionally at Stickney Hill.